Why do I blog?

I have been so busy this last month, fighting germs and infections, dealing with some major home renovations, the mess and the dirt and the constant brewing up for builders, and juggling the four children on top. Subsequently, my blogging has had to take a back seat, unable to dedicate the time to not only writing new posts but reading others too. And actually, it has been a real eye opener, the realisation that blogging is very much a full time job!

I read other blogs, ones that have had such monumental success, and I wonder how do they manage it? Whilst I am still scrolling through the hundreds of tweets they have shared each day, they’ve managed to produce yet another amazing blog post, shared across five different forms of social media, and updated their Instagram page with ten beautifully taken, meticulously edited, photographs. And I am in awe of their ability to do that whilst juggling children, a home, a relationship, a life, and I hail them all as Supermamas for sure. But am I willing to sacrifice my life to join them? Absolutely not.

When I started this blog it was for my own personal reasons, fighting an illness that was affecting me in so many ways, the need to claw something back, force my brain into gear and document our memories as the children grow. When others began to read my blog I was amazed, I still am, and I realised that there is a whole world out there in the “blogosphere” that I knew nothing about. I don’t blog for financial reward, although if that did happen then I would be crazy to turn it down, nor do I promote myself or pitch for free products, services or exotic holidays, but again, what amazing opportunities should they come our way.  I blog, quite simply, because I love to write. Writing is what I do.

And yet somewhere along the last few months I have found myself juggling so much more than just a hobby. Each day there are numerous link ups to share my posts on, there are guest posts and interviews and the relentless juggling act of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and social media channels that I had never even heard of until now. And although I enjoy it, don’t get me wrong, I am struggling with the authencity of writing a blog about being a Mummy when there are times that, due to my blog, I am missing out on just that. Being a Mummy.

So this week, when the germs were finally starting to shift, I had good intentions of writing a post. I had sat myself down at the computer, shut the office door and tried to drown out the sound of the kids playing in the back room. And as I sat there, mentally drafting my post about the joys of being a Mummy, it hit me that actually, I would so much rather be living it.  And so I switched off the computer, pulled on my coat and off we went to the park, where I listened to the sound of my children’s laughter and felt the first of the Spring sunshine on my face, and I asked myself, what is really important to me?

Perhaps my time management needs adjusting, perhaps I need to organise myself better, work around the children more, plan in advance and get on top of my posts. Perhaps I am doing this all wrong and could find the time to produce more blog posts, to make my presence better known on social media. And yet to whose detriment? Twice last week I missed out on bedtime kisses and cuddles due to finishing off a blog post, and by the time that I had finished the children were fast asleep. More than once I had to ask my parents to watch the children so that I could catch up on some work that needed doing, unable to find enough hours in the day. But when my son asks me to help with his homework, or my daughters ask me to play Hungry Hippos, or my youngest just wants a cuddle, I don’t ever want the time to come where I have to tell them, Sorry baby no, Mummy has work to do. Mummy is busy. Mummy needs to go into the office and write about being a Mummy instead of laying down here on the carpet, building a den from the couch cushions and pretending to be fairies.


Blogging really can take over your life, to the point that you look at things very differently, you see things from the perspective of a reader or a viewer or the angle which you will write about later that evening. But where does it end? Never being able to leave the house without documenting your plans for the day, the new dress that your daughter wears, your sons meticulously planned outfit? Never being able to eat a meal without sharing it on social media, snap shotting it from every angle and hash tagging it to death? Never fully enjoying a day out with the children because your head is racing with a thousand other thoughts, interrupting the fun as you ask your little ones to pose for yet another photo?

Because it’s a blog eat blog world out there, a relentless battle to make your voice stand out amongst the thousands of others. And what if there are days when you simply have nothing more to say? When there is nothing to share, no photos to take, no adventures to relay. What about when you are just so bone tired that all you want to do is put on your pyjamas, climb into bed and sleep? Because blogging was something that started out as just a bit of fun, not something that I felt obligated to do in order to maintain any level of interest. For me, it is so important that I produce posts that I have taken my time over, carefully edited and ultimately, that I am proud of. Writing is so important to me and I would hate to compromise with something that I didn’t feel was quite right just to meet a daily quota, And I think for me, had I wanted to spend my days holed up in the office tapping away at a computer, I would never have chosen to be a stay at home Mummy. It’s all about balance.

I have a blogger friend, who shall remain anonymous, who recently confessed to me that she has taken to driving to various locations to photograph her child, in a variety of outfits, on the days when she has nothing else to share. And that’s really not what this is supposed to be about, is it? I want to share my children and our lives, the totally mundane as well as those lovely special occasions. I want to look back in years to come and read factual accounts of what life was like, be that the rough or the smooth, not fictional tales of the perfect life, my children rigidly posing and smiling at the camera. And now, as they grow, I want to join in and enjoy our time together, not spend it mentally preparing the plot for my latest blog post or staging a scene for the perfect capture. I want to catch them unaware, with chocolate on their faces and mud on their knees, a quick snap here and there, while I’m out living our lives together.

Because life was not designed to be lived through the lens of a camera, nor overheard from the confines of an office. Life is about enjoying the moments, of which we all like to capture some on film, but it’s not the be all and end all. It’s okay sometimes to just live those moments, without a phone in our hands or a camera up to our faces, and just be.

So maybe I’m not a blogger afterall. Maybe I’m just a Mummy who likes to write, who, whenever I get a spare moment, can just about manage to get my words out in the right order, to make sense of all of the weird and wonderful thoughts in my head and share them with a bunch of people who actually quite like to read it. And I’m not even sure exactly what that makes me, but I think that the most important thing is that, ultimately, it makes me happy.


Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
This Mum's Life
My Petit Canard
My Random Musings
Over the Moon Link Party

New Mummy Blog
Two Tiny Hands
Mudpie Fridays
Super Busy MUm
Best of Worst
Let's Talk Mommy
Post Comment Love


Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

152 thoughts on “Why do I blog?

  1. Hi Laura, I think your post is spot on. There is no way I could have blogged when my two were small, but now they are older (my son is nineteen and my daughter sixteen) and don’t really need me unless they want something, so I do have more time. Although my family do come first, my blog never gets in the way of us sitting down as a family and eating and it never stops me spending time with my family in the evening when their homework and chores are done.

    I also wouldn’t let blogging interfere with my morning workout or walking group walks. Blogging can take over if we let it, it’s just a case of balance and priority. Our blogs will always be there, but our family will up and leave one day, so making memories should be priority whilst we can.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! You’re so right! When blogging starts to impact on family life then you know that it’s taking over a little too much. I do try only to blog in the evening or when the children are asleep/out but I also like to be in bed early so try and fit it in the early evening where I can! I’m going to organise my time better for sure! xx


  2. I get very well what you say. I understand how you feel. I think it is very important to try to get a balance. I don’t publish a post every day because I can’t. I find the promoting part of blogging very hard to do. For me this is what all my time goes. Lately, there is always someone from my family that is ill each week (the girls, the hubby or me) which makes things even worst. Blogging is not easy at all. What I like the most of being a parent blogger is the possibility to combine both of the worlds that I like the most: blogging and being a parent. This is my ideal world and I’m working on it!! I think you are doing great job. Your writing is beautiful so keep doing it, 😉 Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I would love to see you again on Sunday! 🙂 x


    1. Thank you so much, it often feels like I am two steps forward, three steps back. Ultimately, when the kids are in school, I would love for this to become something that I do more of but I agree, the self promotion is hard work and time consuming. I think it is most definitely about finding the right balance which differs from one blogger to the next. Thanks for reading. xxx

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  3. Brilliant post! I thought I was just very badly organized that it can take almost a whole day to get a blog post done in little snippets! I can easily see how it’s a full time job for some people. I think it’s more important to enjoy what you’re writing and recording and like you say enjoy the actual moments as they happen. Your photos are great, very natural. I love the ice cream one, we all have a photo of ourselves looking like that at some point in our lives! #bestandworst

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I have plenty of those photos of my children, ice cream tends to get everywhere! I also think it’s so important to enjoy what you are writing, if you don’t enjoy it then there really is no point in pursuing it! Thanks for reading. xx

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  4. I don’t have anything intelligent to say, but I love your blog. It is so readable, and genuine. And writing for the sake of writing, however, always sounds like what it is 🙂 That is not what you do!
    x Alice

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! That’s really lovely of you to say so. I am always aware that I post far less than some bloggers but then like you say, if I was to write for the sake of it I think it would be glaringly obvious! xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I have no idea how anyone juggles an actual job and a blog!! I don’t work, although I do have three children at home each day, but I don’t even find the time to get dressed some days let alone get a post out!! Thanks for reading! xx


  5. So true so true – it would be fun to blog full time, but I don’t see I do what I can and this is my hobby when I have time. What you said was real and honest, and many women will appreciate that. Thanks for your post, found this at #OvertheMoon!


    1. Thank you! I still don’t understand how people have enough hours in the day although I’m sure once my kids are in school I will find myself with much more free time on my hands!! Thanks for reading. xx


  6. Sounds to me like you’ve got it all sorted, your blog is brilliant, your kids are gorgeous & you’re a terrific Mother!
    I know what you mean about time management though, it’s crazy how many hours go into one post. Which is exactly why I dropped back to only posting once a week since we started our loft conversion.
    With 3 children still very much dependent on me I found it impossible to publish my usual twice weekly & manage the build.
    As you say somethings gotta give & that shouldn’t be the kids.
    Love how you tell a story xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’m really flattered by your lovely comments. Once a week is achievable isn’t it? Even with children and renovations and life in the way. I try to stick to my once a week post, in a good week I post twice, but at the same time if a week goes by without me finding the time then I’m not going to beat myself up about it! Thanks again for reading. xx


  7. Well done Laura another spot on post I often wonder where people get the time I have always felt it’s important to stay true why you started blogging and for me it’s similar to you the events of my family though the years.
    It’s a hobby first and foremost and kids come first with both my wife and me always will.
    I love reading your posts but I think you know, so happy I found your blog that totally awesome post again thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh thank you so much Nige, you are so incredibly supportive! That’s the best advice you could give any blogger isn’t it? Stay true to the reasons why you started. For me it wasn’t for financial profit or material gain, it was because I love to write and record our memories as the children grow. I can see how others deviate from those reasons but it is so important to me to stay true to mine. Thanks again. xx


  8. What a wonderful post – I am totally new to this but in the month I have been a ‘blogger’ I have been amazed at how much it seems to take over my life. I find myself chasing those page views and retweets, almost like I would chase a chocolate bar. But like you I am quickly realising that I can let being a mummy blogger get in the way of being a mummy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s hard work isn’t it!! If you allow yourself to get consumed in Twitter and Instagram and the countless linkies, it DOES take over!! I think it is still possible to be successful without all of that, if you are good at what you do then I believe that you will always succeed in one way or another. xx


  9. Laura, you’ve summed up perfectly in a post, the thoughts and realisation that have been swirling around in my mind for the last few weeks. I feel like at times I’ve been fighting a battle with myself, getting so consumed with blogging that I’ve compensated and sacrificed time with my family which just doesnt feel right. So right now, im trying to find the balance between work, blogging and family and not be so consumed when I dont need to be. Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays. Emily

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has been so refreshing to read all of these comments and see that at some point in their blogging career, everyone has felt the same way. I think once a hobby stops being fun then it has crossed the line into something more, I want to make sure that I stay in love with my blog and my writing whilst giving my children all of the attention they need while they are young. Thanks for hosting. xx


  10. Brilliant post! I can really relate to you, and I just remind myself that despite the many roles I play in the drama that is my life, mummy is the most fulfilling and important one. But at the same time hobbies, interests and my work have their importance too…. it’s just as you say, the key is in the balance. Xxx #binkylinky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, and I think for our own sanity it is so important to have hobbies and interests aswell as being a Mummy, but yes, it’s about getting the balance right. My blog is so therapeutic to me, I need that time and that opportunity to write everything down, even if just once a week. xx


  11. I don’t even have children and I sometimes struggle to fit everything in and start to feel like blogging has taken over my life, so I salute all the mums out there who do this and be a mother! I agree it’s about finding a balance you are comfortable with and that fits in with your life
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right, and that balance is very different from one blogger to the next. For me I accept that my writing will have to take a back seat to the kids while they are younger but in years to come, when they are in full time education, I will have precious time to write and possibly further my career. I’m more than happy to wait it out though! xx


  12. Great post! It can be so hard to get that life/blog balance right. I love writing about my life with my daughter, but sometimes I find the endless posting/social media-ing/commenting exhausting. There are nights when I sit at my laptop when my baby goes to bed instead of hanging out with my husband. I’ve never wanted to be a professional blogger – I just want to write and enjoy it. #justanotherlinky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!! Like now, here I am catching up on the computer when I could be hanging with my husband! It’s very easy to “nip on” to the computer and be here hours later, I really have given myself ten minutes to read my latest comments and a quick browse of twitter!! xx


  13. I love this. I love your writing and I think your blog is fab; you are totally right that there is no point being a mummy blogger and missing out on being a mummy. I started my blog purely because I was writing things down anyway so it made sense to share it and if anyone else enjoyed it that was a bonus. I don’t blog that often or promote myself much, and I know I could put just a bit more time in and reap the rewards but I don’t want it to become a chore. My boy is only going to be a baby for such a short time I want all the cuddles, giggles and storytime I can get! #JustAnotherLinky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh thank you!! Sounds like you’ve definitely found the right balance, I think that’s the main thing isn’t it? Finding something that works for you at whatever stage of life you are at! Thanks for reading. xx


  14. I blog in the evenings and whilst my girls are in nursery. I tend to write a number of posts in one go so that I can schedule them. I post everyday, but I’m always a month in advance because I write a few posts at a time. Great post. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that is where I’m going wrong, I never schedule posts because I never get the time to write more than one! In September when my daughters are in school and pre-school and my youngest is in nursery I will definitely have the time to do this, thanks for reading! xx


  15. After 118 comments it feels a little redundant to add mine but still I do as part of the commitment to the linkies I have inflicted my posts on and as a dutiful member of the blogging community!

    I understand what you say about feeling the pressure from other blogs, the need to feel as though you are doing half as much as the big names and blogging heroes. That’s why I really liked the post by Mum in Brum on not being a blogger that posts everyday. If you’re doing it for you then the only person applying pressure to perform miracles is you!

    As for the juggling multiple social accounts…there are tricks and automated ways to make it easier. I’d been drafting a post about that for work but I may adapt it for more general blogging.

    You don’t need me to tell to you you’re doing great but I will anyway! You’re doing great as you are that’s why you get nominated for a blogging award!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I always value your opinion, thank you for taking the time to comment. I would be really interested in your tricks to juggle social accounts, that is something that I really am quite clueless about! And as always, thank you!! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The short version is making use of IFTTT to connect different accounts and get them to talk to each other e.g. every time you post a WP blog it gets posted up on Pinterest or each time you pin something it gets shared on Twitter at the same time.

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  16. Love this post! Spot on all of it! It is so hard not to get swallowed up by it all. Sometimes we are so busy with our blogging life that if we aren’t careful it can take over our real life. At the moment I am writing a post everyday but I fit that in with the children, when they are having a nap or when I should be doing the housework. However, there will come a day when I can’t write everyday or don’t have anything to write and then I will just roll with it. Life if is to short to be stressing about your instagram feed or what you are putting on your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes, my house work really does get neglected in favour of my blog!! When the kids nap and I should be cleaning I find myself at the computer tapping away and by the time they wake up there’s no time for cleaning!! Xx

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  17. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head in many ways here… the pictures that really make smile are the ones captured naturally, the ones with the chocolate on their faces, the piles of clutter in the background! Our little girl is 6 and at weekends, after school or in the holidays, if she wants to play with me, I down tools and off I go into her magical childhood world… and then I might blog about it 😉 #anythinggoes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! So many bloggers seem to like in pristine houses don’t they? Where are the toys all over the floor, the piles of washing on the kitchen table, the handprints on every surface? I much prefer the real photos, the real accounts of life as a parent where everything isn’t rosy and life is bloody hard work at times!! Thanks for reading. Xx


  18. Blogging definitely is time-consuming. I don’t know how the top bloggers do it all. I never have enough time for everything. I tend to be up late to get things done because like you I don’t want to sacrifice time with my kids to blog. I wouldn’t like to get to the point of driving around & putting different outfits on to create blog posts, luckily I have the opposite problem – I have a list of things to write but no time to do it. Thanks so much for joining us for #bloggerclubuk, hope you will be back again tomorrow! x


    1. Me too! I find myself still getting through my list at 10pm and realising I haven’t made the packed lunches for the next day or ironed the uniforms!! And I totally agree, to create a life that you haven’t even lived just to share on a blog is madness, but also sad that others may feel they have to constantly churn out these posts to keep any interest. For me, I think I’ve struck the right balance now, writing when the feeling takes me or when I have the time! Thanks for reading, will be back next week! xx


  19. Oh my goodness Laura, this post is totally right. Blogging is great, it’s a chance for us to share our lives and document our daily antics. But… it shouldn’t be taking OVER our lives. I’ve struggled with this on occasion. I decided a long time ago that there was a line I wouldn’t cross and I haven’t. My family comes first, every single day.
    Good for you. xxx
    Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so important to get that balance right isn’t it? We have just had a lovely trip away with my eldest and other than a couple of photos shared on FB and Instagram, I didnt even check in with my blog. I always want to give my children my full attention when they need it, not to be juggling so many things all the time. Being a mummy is hard enough without pressures from everything else, I think I have found a healthy balance that keeps us all happy! Thanks for reading. xxx


  20. I can relate to this so much – it’s so difficult to find the right balance for you. Whenever I find I’m getting too caught up in blog stuff, or feeling the pressure too much, I try to remind myself why I started, which was both to capture our family life, and as a means of expressing my thoughts on things. Once I’m missing out on too much family stuff, then I find I need to rein it back a bit. We had a trip to the zoo for my little boy’s 2nd birthday last weekend, and I didn’t even take the camera – it was kind of liberating!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I totally get that!!! To just enjoy the moment and not take photos really is liberating, and so much more enjoyable isn’t it? I’m always there on Christmas morning and birthdays with the camera and you miss out on the moment somehow. Thanks for reading!! Xx


  21. I think it can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind that is the ultra-competitive blogging world. But, like so many things in life, you have to decide what the right balance is for you.

    At the risk of sounding pretentious (yeah, I know, too late), I don’t really consider myself to be a ‘blogger’ in the same sense of the word as many others. I don’t blog for income or for rankings or anything like that. I have a creative need that just happens to manifest itself most comfortably in the form of a blog. But I’m a writer first and a blogger second. Scribo ergo sum – I write therefore I am. In fact, more recently, I’ve discovered that I’m not even just a writer. I’ve grown to love doing my podcast and writing (and performing, badly) parody songs. I’m not especially good at either, but they’re things I love to do that have arisen out of the blog. That makes me happy.


    1. I completely agree, I’m a writer first, a blogger second. I think for some people that is reversed but for me, I’ve always been a writer. I love that you do the parody songs, such good fun and so creative!!


  22. I completely agree, its so hard to get it right, and not put the pressure on yourself. I do find it hard sometimes and, get stressed, and get a bit overwhelmed and in those cases I’ve not pushed to choose a favourite on #thebabyformula because I want to give every post the value it deserves and read them all slowly and carefully, taking in every word, writing a comment I really mean. I could never blog every day either, and don’t think many of us really could without sacrificing that all important mummy time. This is the whole reason I started craft night, as I didn’t want every night to just be blogging/commenting/reading…. it doesn’t get the cleaning or hoovering done, but I find I get that done well if I have a good (tight!) deadline lol!

    Now I apologise for such a long comment, but I completely understand your points and am so glad you’re finding a better balance… and yes, you’re right, don’t go missing little one’s bedtimes – that’s far more important x



    1. I always think it must be so difficult hosting a linky, I admire you all greatly!! It’s so hard as a parent when you’re juggling so many balls in the air and eventually something has to give. Once my children start school I’m going to have so much more time to work on my blog and take it further, I like to think of this time as simply laying the foundations. Thanks for hosting. Xx


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