A whole lot of nothing.

I had big plans for this week, the second week of our Easter holidays, with the weather forecast predicting high temperatures, blue skies and sunshine. With Lewis at home and the children off nursery I had envisioned trips to the seaside and picnics in the park. And as with all good plans, that all went out of the window when I found myself back in hospital over the weekend and my health took a turn for the worse. I won’t bore you with all of that, I feel like a broken record the last two years, but it meant that I needed to rest this week and instead of gallivanting up and down the county, we found ourselves stuck at home, desperate for ways to pass the time.

As soon as the weather changes and the sun makes an appearance you can be certain of two things. One, we will get out all of the blankets and the huge box of Happyland and set up camp in the garden, and two, my children will strip off their clothes and spend the days naked. Not just naked, but hot and sweaty and grubby. And they love it, the feel of the sun on their skin, their little white bottoms free from the confines of a nappy or from the  elastic waistbands, digging into their bellies and their chubby little thighs. And it’s almost instant, the lightening of their hair and the tanning of their skin, just about the only thing that they have inherited from me.

For the last three days we have switched off the TV, opened every door and window in the house and we have enjoyed the first decent weather of the year. We have played with the toys, on the swing, on the slide. We have set up home in the summer house, played shop, schools, librarians and zoo keepers. We have made dens out of old blankets, draped across the table and chairs, where the children have sat with stifled giggles until Megatron has destroyed it with her brutish force. We have played hide and seek, I spy, played with the cars, the dolls, bounced on the trampoline. And when they have bored of the toys, they have used the plastic storage box and their imaginations have been endless. We have been to the moon in a rocket ship, fought battles in our pirate ship, drove to sunny beaches and safari parks in our motor car. We have been fairies and witches, Mummys and babies, good guys and bad guys….who were promptly locked up in the jail where Prison Wardens Meggy and Harry watched guard, much to Evas distress.


And we have sat with our backs to the sun, eating ham sandwiches from paper plates, our fingers stained orange from the accompanying packets of Wotsits, wolfing it down with the promise of an ice cream afterwards. Every few hours Lewis has nipped home from the skate park or playing down the fields with his friends, his face flushed with the sunshine, a spattering of freckles appearing across his nose. And after downing a glass of juice and demolishing a quick snack, he has scooted off again, the back gate ricocheting behind him, and the three youngest shouting his name long after he has left.

We have seen no-one, been nowhere, and done a whole lot of nothing and yet if you asked me how did I enjoy the holiday I would tell you that it was perfect, that although we did not do a lot, we did absolutely everything, that these children are my everything. Yes they screamed and shouted at each other, yes Eva cried herself hoarse when Megan took the Happyland princess figure and Harry broke the drawbridge from the castle door. Yes they fought over whose turn it was next on the swing and Megan dragged Eva off by her hair, pushing and shoving eachother as Harry, who had finally let go of his willy for one second, refereed in the middle. Yes they told eachother, “I’m not your best friend anymore!” and the old favourite, “I’m telling Mummy!” and I sympathised with the neighbours who, like me, must have wanted the racket to stop for just one minute. But for the first time in a long time it was lovely to just let them be, to let them play, to battle it out between themselves and find a way to play alongside eachother without the TV, without the I-pad or the battery operated toys.


We are always so busy, dashing here, there and everywhere. The school run, the nursery trips, playgroup, meeting with friends, appointments left, right and centre. This week has been a whole lot of nothing but it was exactly what we needed right now, the time to breathe, to rest, to relax. And with normality resuming on Monday, I feel ready to start a new week feeling stronger and healthier, and the hope that there shall be a whole lot of nothing to look forward to in the coming months.

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Domesticated Momster

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89 thoughts on “A whole lot of nothing.

  1. The days you are giving your children sound idyllic, memories to last into adulthood. The days sound liberating and creative and fun. And I hope you’re feeling better x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! These days are the ones that really count aren’t they? Not the expensive days out or the treats and special occasions, just the ones at home, with grubby faces and dirty knees, playing in the garden feeling loved, safe and secure. Thanks for reading. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this post!! (apart from the bit about you being poorly). This is exactly what childhood should be about. It sounds like a perfect week. Life is too busy and the routine can get mundane. Taking a break from it is so important. I hope you are feeling better xx Kathy #PicknMix

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, we love our routine of playgroups and soft play and days at the park but it is lovely to have a break from it all! It was strange not having any adult conversation all day but actually, these kids of mine are way more interesting than most adults I know!! xx

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  3. What a happy, positive, sunshiny post! I almost felt like joining the party:) Creating great memories (and photos) for your little angels! Here’s to summer and more of doing nothing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry you’ve been poorly. I love this, it made me feel happy and think of those days when me and my sister would entertain ourselves in a sunny back garden bathing our dolls in washing up bowl full of water! #stayclassy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww I loved those days!! There’s something so special about re-creating memories from your childhood isn’t there? I hope that my children look back as fondly as I do on these times. xx


  5. Those are the absolute glorious days and what memories are made off! Your post has reminded me what days with our children should be about – it is just about being with them in the moment. #momsterlink

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! When we were kids every day was like that wasn’t it? Come rain or shine! I don’t remember a day when I stayed inside or sat on the computer, I was always out in the garden entertaining myself! Here’s hoping for a beautiful summer, fingers crossed! xx


  6. It must have been warmer where you are than here! Been sunny but bit nippy for being in the nud!
    Looks so perfect, I’m sure there were moments, but as you say, we do need time like this to just stop and be content.
    Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Our back garden is a real sun trap, there’s no breeze at all which is a good thing when it’s breezy but not good in the heat of Summer! We had such a lovely week, I’m really sad that it’s all over! xx


    1. It’s just such a feel good factor isn’t it? A bit of sunshine makes a world of difference, and it tires my kids out something chronic which means early nights and a bit of a lie in the next day! Bonus! xx


  7. It sounds as if you had the perfect second week to your holidays. Children out in the garden, playing happily (most of the time), it’s really the only time in their lives they’ll be able to enjoy running naked in the garden without getting odd looks from the neighbours.

    I hope the school run isn’t too much of a shock to the system for you next week and I hope you have plenty of lazy, summer days in the coming months.



    1. Haha you’re so right! A few more years and the neighbours will be reporting us for indecent exposure! Monday morning will be more of a shock to my 12 year old than it will to me, I have no idea how he will be out of bed in time for school, early night tomorrow! Thanks for reading! xx


  8. Love your writing, as always. I just get completely absorbed! That picture of your daughter trapped in the box! Kids!!! Bless her! I have to say though, where do you live???? It certainly hasn’t been that warm here. Sunny, yes, but deceptively cold. My mother and I have been having constant arguments about whether Piglet is to wear a coat (Mother, she bought the coat) or bodywarmer (me. I bought the bodywarmer). Hope you are feeling better too. Thanks for linking up to #StayClassy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are in Lancashire where the sun NEVER shines!! Our garden is a real sun trap though, in Summer it’s too much! I love your argument over coat v bodywarmer!! I hope you won! xx


  9. Do you know what I absolutely love about you? You just seem to love life to the absolute limit – and that is to be admired. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been poorly and I wish you well soon so you can carry on being the most amazing mummy that you are! I love the way that you talk about the gorgeousness but don’t ignore the strops and tantrums too – we have to love all the aspects! #KCACOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you, that’s such a lovely thing to say. Everyone always asks me how on earth did you cope with three under three, and a tweenager on top, and I think the reason we cope is because this is truly everything that we ever wanted. The night feeds, the dirty nappies, the terrible twos and the tantrums, it’s more than we ever imagined, we never dared believe we would ever be so lucky. And every stage we reach, even the really difficult ones, are stages that Joseph never got to reach, and I think that’s the reason why we embrace life, and the strops and the tantrums, and remind ourselves every single day that we are the luckiest people in the whole world. Thank you for reading. Xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  10. We love home days we have loads of them! Even I love just hanging around in my undies and a singlet around the backyard on nice days lol, it is so comfy! We have had lovely weather lately too and it’s nice getting in the backyard. We are heading for winter so I am making the most out of the warm sun we still have for now. Lovely post and hope you are well #mg xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too! Although it has to be really warm for me to strip off, I am ALWAYS cold!! It’s freezing today, we are back in our winter coats, but it was so lovely while it lasted! xx


  11. I am sorry to hear that you have been poorly and I hope that you are feeling better now. It sounds like you had the pretty perfect holiday to me.You sound like such a fab Mum and they clearly had the most amazing holiday. Being free and just run around without the pressure of having to go somewhere. 🙂 #mg

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Yes! Today is rainy in our part of the world but last week was beautiful, and we all enjoyed going on walks and playing at the park almost every day. Real together time is much better than sitting in the same room staring at different electronics!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Where do you live!? Because I need to move! We had a couple of nice days but certainly not this nice and I’m so envious. It was lovely to get in the garden once but I can’t wait for my little boy to enjoy the gorgeous weather. Sounds absolutely completely perfect to me! Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are in Lancashire and we almost never get good weather! My eldest has gone back today with such a good tan that everyone has asked him where he went on holiday! Cold and rainy now though, booooo!! Xx


  14. This sounds lovely, a perfect way to enjoy the warm weather and spend your week off. Sorry you were ill but looks like you had a overly time anyway. I can’t wait to have days like this in our garden, not quite hit enough yet xx #mg

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think we all need it don’t we? We are back to the daily grind of nursery and playgroups this week, which is lovely, but I feel better for having had a good rest from it all! Xx


  15. Kids have it way to easy these days with our iPads and iPhones. My sister-in-law does not have a TV in her house, not even a PC for the kids to play on. They have to make their own fun or read a book, plus they are homeschooled. I don’t know how she does it, but they do. It was good to see your children play in the pictures you have posted.

    Thanks for Sharing

    John M

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so important to just play isn’t it? Sometimes I think we all need a tv day, put on a movie and let the kids watch it while we get some jobs done, but most of the time my kids will use their imaginations and just be children. Funnily enough while I’m sat typing this they are playing I spy!


      1. & I’m back from #FabFridayPosts! (& finding it very funny that I have linked up right behind you on two different linkys on the same day. I’m actually stalking you at this point, I think!)

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Sorry to hear you have been feeling under the weather but it sounds as though your quality time with the kids has just about fixed it.
    Such lovely shots of the kiddies having fun, they are the best days aren’t they?
    I did have to giggle at the part where ‘Harry had finally let go of his willy for one second’. From one mother to another, I totally get you haha! I have two little boys and I think I spend most of the time saying “put it away” or “stop stretching it!” And so on.
    Glad you had a lovely week.
    Thanks so much for joining in with #MMBC x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes!!! He literally will not leave it alone!! Most of the time it’s hidden away in his nappy but when he is naked? He is obsessed!! I suppose it’s only going to get worse!! xx


  17. This looks to me like a whole lot of something! I feel you, when I make plans with the kids ahead of time, someone inevitably gets sick. But it looks like you all had a ton of fun staying at home! I love the idea of them all getting naked and running around outside. Our kiddos would love that!
    Thanks so much for linking with #KCACOLS! I hope you come back next Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right, it was everything to us really, just enjoying eachothers company and relaxing…for the first time in a long while!! Back to the grind this week, I’m knackered already! See you Sunday! xx


  18. Sorry you’ve been ill but sounds as though it was just what you all needed. A total break to just ‘be’. I find that just being gets completely lost in the ridiculous frenzy of everything else that jam packs your life daily and it can take something like an illness to just chill out and reconnect with calm. I hope your son didn’t get in trouble with school with his cool ‘do. Thanks for linking up with us! #bigpinklink

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Sometimes days like these, where life is nice and simple and effortless are just the best! I’m glad you made the most of the weather for the last bit of the holidays too! #momsterlink

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  20. Oh my goodness, what lovely photos! Even more, it sounds like you had a wonderful time with your children. Isn’t it great how these small moments, that seem like nothing, are actually EVERYTHING. : ) I think it’s so amazing and you describe it beautifully here. Thank you so much for sharing with #StayClassy, love your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. This looks like a perfect family time. I’m longing for some warmer weathér, cant believe its April and we are having snow. I love the quiet family days, time to reconnect without rushing. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix


  22. What an absolutely FAB week! Firstly, I hope you’re feeling tons better-I’m sorry you had to visit the hospital again-hoping it was nothing serious.
    You truly are giving your children memories that will last them long into adulthood. Memories they will sit around and talk about long after they’ve started their own lives. Some of my best days have been the days we do nothing at all ❤ #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! That’s what it’s all about isn’t it? Making memories that I hope they will carry with them through life and recreate with their own children. Thanks for reading. Xx


  23. What an amazing week you had!! I love those days!! Your kids look so happy and you can tell that they had so much fun!! I love your photos!! Your kids are gorgeous. The eldest look so much than you! Sorry to hear that you were poorly!! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I love having you here. I hope to see you again tomorrow, 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks lovely, we had such a lovely week and enjoyed the sunshine while it lasted – has been hailing and snowing this week! Yes my son is my double at that age, at least one of my children looks like me as the girls certainly don’t!! Thanks for hosting, see you tomorrow! xx

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  24. We had a couple of wonderful days full of sunshine, no wind, lovely 65*F and then away it went and in rolled rain that turned to snow. I can honestly say I’m so over the winter. Your clan look to be soaking up the beautiful weather. I love their “prison” plan lol. So cute and thank you for linking your lovelies up with #momsterslink.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The same happened here!! Four days of sunshine and then hail and snow! Apparantly it’s going to clear up next week and “temperatures will soar”, will believe that when I see it!! Thanks for hosting! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  25. It sounds like you really had a lovely time! Smiles all round. 🙂
    Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo


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